has worked as a designer at Warner Bros. on shows including “Batman
Beyond” and “Justice League” (winning an Emmy Award for the former).
In 2002, he was presented with the most prestigious honor in the
comics world, an Eisner Award, for his cover design work on such
titles as Detective Comics and the recently-optioned 100
Bullets. This was his second Eisner nomination, along
with nominations for the Harvey Awards and the Wizard Fan Awards.
In the past 15 years, he has worked for many publishing companies,
including DC Comics, Marvel, Dark Horse, Image, Playstation Magazine,
and CMJ New Magazine. He was one of the original members of famed
Gaijin Studios. Additionally, his design work has been used with
many toy and merchandise products for companies such as Mattel,
Hasbro, Toy Biz and Wizards of the Coast on properties including
Star Wars, G.I. Joe, and X-Men. For more of Dave's work and
imagination, go to http://www.devilpig.com/.